About Me

So, hi. My name is Kitty. Well, some of the time it is. I have a lot of names, because I'm a lot of people.

Friday 13 July 2012

Things just get better.

So, I got a full formal apology from the operational manager of the company I work for, and she is finding me a new placement in that company, which should happen in the next month at most. Yay! I can't wait to start working again, I've missed it a lot.

And ugh, my new therapist is just the best therapist I've seen so far. I explained about all of us to her, and she was so great about it. I explained to her that Elsa kept wanting to come out and play when she was around my therapist's toys, and my therapist asked me to tell her when Elsa would like to come out and play, and she would be allowed.
Aah. I'm so happy with this.
Hurry up Monday please!

And as well as that, we finally persuaded Mai that, if she is going to be wearing her clothing to see our therapist, she should buy herself some clothing. So, she's got a few new pieces to wear now.

And I'll be going to camden for a birthday party later this month, which will be great!

On the downside, Dolly is in a massive down spiral of delusion and psychosis.
It's a pretty awful feeling, and I really, really hate it.
I ache all over and sleeping is very difficult and I have new and more horrible memories than before.

I just hope things get better soon for that.

Tuesday 3 July 2012

And now I don't have a job, but I do have a lawyer and a therapist.

So, yay! I got fired because my ex-boss wanted me to get fired. But I'm getting a lawyer for unlawful dismissal. So we'll see how that goes.
And I got a new therapist. She seems really nice, and the younger ones seem to like the feeling of her, so we'll see how that goes too.
Not a lot more I can say really. Just yay, ,my life is awful and fucked up right now!