About Me

So, hi. My name is Kitty. Well, some of the time it is. I have a lot of names, because I'm a lot of people.

Monday 12 March 2012

Left early, Took my dog.

I feel terrible for just disappearing, but for one thing, I actually -was- not here. Someone I don't know called Cherry was. So, you can't blame me. I don't even know if she knew about the existence of this thing.
Anyway, I do exist. 
I'm still waiting to start my job. My CRB (A criminal back ground check) hasn't come back yet, so I'm waiting on that. 
And I got my creative streak back, yay! 
I've been working on clothing designs and such, and getting back into my violin. 
If I end up recording any of my playing, then I'll put it on here to listen to. 
Dolly is still... Not recovered from whatever happened on the horse-experience, and following an argument with the boyfriend, Lily has comatose'd. Anyway. That's my updates.
The other day, at 5:40am, I left the house, took my dog, and ended up back at the graveyard where most things happened. I stayed there for about half an hour, just sitting and laying down on places that I've been before. Unpleasantly last time, however. Just thinking. 
You can't hurt me now, because you'd be... Well. I don't actually know how old you'd be now. Because I don't know you, or anything about you, really. But you couldn't hurt me any more. Even together, I would still be able to escape now, I expect. Not that you'd want me now I'm all grown up. 

And yes, I know there's a book with the same title as this post, it's named specially.

- Kitty

Oh, also, my therapist backed down as soon as she had to present proof. Yay! 

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